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Ms. Frómeta is an award-winning Venezuelan choreographer whose work is lucid, visually sophisticated, and speaks with emotional clarity to a broad audience. In 1995, Trina founded Proyecto Movimiento and Taller D’ Movimiento to develop and promote her passion for contemporary dance in South America and around the world.

Born in Caracas, Venezuela to a conductor, arranger and composer father and an author mother, she draws inspiration from visual art, language, poetry, contemporary music and nature for the creation of her work. Since 1990 her artistic, cultural, and teaching activities have earned Ms. Frómeta worldwide recognition through over 50 acclaimed international choreographic presentations in countries such as Dominican Republic (2003), Cuba (2004), Germany (2006-2007), England (2006), India (2007), Russia (2008), Croatia (2009), Czech Republic (2010), Argentina (2012), Turkey (2013), Belorussia (2013), Istanbul (2014), Spain (2014, 2015), Greece, Cyprus, England, Switzerland, Portugal, Vienna, Salzburg, Budapest (2016), and several locations in the United States of America (2005 and 2017).

Most recently, Ms. Frometa was awarded a full scholarship from Mark Morris Dance Group (Brooklyn NY) and the Dance for PD program to become certified as a Dance Teacher for Parkinson Disease.

Artist Statement:

Danzare durante toda la noche y durante los dias venideros
Danzare hasta que exhausta caiga en el suelo
Danzare hasta que el mundo material se borre,
las penas se desdibujen, la cotidianidad absurda y trémula desvanezca
Danzare hasta que no sea yo
Danzare hasta elevarme al cielo

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